Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tiger Trace

Tiger Pug-mark
It has been only 14 days at my new home. KAAV Kabini is literally at the edge of the nagarahole national park. Unlike my previous posts I do not need to give any introduction to this post. It was around 3 pm there were forest officers wondering at my fence.

I got to know there has been a fresh kill and they were waiting for gunman to come first before anybody go to check out the scene because of ambush. I requested the forest ranger if I may come along, fortunately he was pleased with my humble request and allowed me to come along.

From that moment onwards for next 4 hours nobody's has been able to control my excitement. I walked out of the gate, crossed the forest fence and immediately we saw tiger droppings. There was few inches bone pieces in the fresh dump.
Tiger Dump - notice bones
Sambar killed by Tiger
I followed the gunmen and officers and found pug marks, I by that time was in a state of illusion not aware of my surroundings. We followed the tiger trial - the pug marks, dump and he had dragged his kill all along and trace of blood and bones. As we got closer the pungent odour was too strong. I almost puked so I took this snap holding my mouth in one hand and ran away from the spot. Dr. Shivkumar (CC warden) was kind enough to explain me the surroundings and showed me the picture of massive tiger which he had photographed couple of days before.
Tiger pug mark

The officers continued following the trial but my journey ended after looking at tiger's den. There was other animal left over and he has left me with excitement to spot him now which I can do from my balcony. The deer was not completely eaten, there were flies everywhere and by evening I could get the stink upto my home.

So close to wilderness my room has 15 feet French windows (without grills) and 10 feet from the tiger terrine. This whole experience has  made me feel super special every second of my life.

On my way notice elephant dump and beautiful peacocks which is quiet common in Kabini (Rajiv Ghandi national park) also called Nagarhole national park.